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datasheets information

by Wolfgang Knap last modified 2019-05-21 12:05


Attention - be sure to read the following carefully!!!


The electronic components contained in this web site are designed and produced mainly for such general electronic equipment as audio equipment, visual equipment, white goods, office equipment, and information/communication equipment.

Therefore, if you wish to employ them in medical equipment, aircraft, space equipment, security systems, or other similar equipment that requires high safety, you are requested to confirm fitness after your own testing.

Regardless of the intended application, if high safety is required it is recommended that you establish a protective or redundant circuit and conduct a safety test. Regardless of the intended application, we suggest that you ask for a technical specification describing the details and then make sure that it is the proper component for the equipment conforming to it.

Technical information in this web site is intended to convey examples to typical performances and/or applications and is not intended to convey patent rights, if any.

For the products which are controlled items subject to the foreign exchange and foreign trade law, the export permission according to the law is necessary.

The information provided here may be changed or revised without prior notice. Therefore, please be sure to reconfirm the information shown in this catalogue before your designing and/or purchasing activities.

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